Return operations

Return digitalisation

Frontex provides digital tools and information management systems to support Member States. More specifically, Frontex helps to improve national return case management systems through the RECAMAS reference model – a blueprint for a comprehensive, ideal return case management system based on the best practices and lessons learned. Agency’s specialists compare this model with the actual system in the Member State, conduct a gap analysis and make recommendations for improvements. The actual adaptations of the national systems may be supported by Frontex, either financially or through deployment of national experts.

 Moreover, Frontex runs a centralised information system, the integrated return management application (IRMA), for secure strategic and operational return information exchange, which allows:

  • monthly statistics on return,
  • a qualitative assessment of non-EU countries’ cooperation in the area of readmission and data used by the European Commission in its reporting, as mandated by the Visa Code,
  • management of Member States’ needs for forced and voluntary returns. 

Return digitalisation activities also include projects and activities with IT components, for example the development of an application for reintegration assistance.